Wednesday, October 1, 2008

fancy-schmancy beer

so, a couple weeks ago we were at twist, enjoying some la chouffe beer. the gnomes were working their magic, because most of us couldn't remember large portions of the evening.

the slightly patronizing server made a big point of telling us that la chouffe is only available in cincinnati at jean-robert's restaurants. well, guess what, movado sporting beer wench*? we found it today at world market, less than 10 minutes from our house (i suspect jungle jim's also has it). i'd rather enjoy it on my deck than at twist anyway. i can wear jeans and a tshirt and pass out in peace. and for $4 less per bottle? hell yeah.

*actually our server was pretty nice, all things considered. i think there is a certain snobbery that needs to be projected in such a venue.

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